




Communication and training activities to ensure the dissemination and knowledge of the project methodologies and results by stakeholders and entities related to the construction in the countries participant in the project and other EU countries.

The material developed in dissemination activities will be prepared according to the audience, always ensuring the understanding of them by videos, courses, publications, workshops, etc.

This activity will improve the knowledge of the construction sector in sustainable buildings, how to design and build them, and improve the awareness of the society about the importance of the change to a low carbon footprint construction.

This action has the following sub-actions:

D 1.1. Dissemination and Communication Plan.

A dissemination plan will be developed at the beginning of the project and it will be created according to the different partners. This plan will take into account:

- Dissemination to technicians and construction workers.

- Dissemination to enterprisers of construction sector.

- Dissemination to the promoters and building managers.

- Dissemination to the society in general.

D 1.2. Networking with other projects.

There are several projects working in sustainable construction and low embodied energy now in Europe. The courses and dissemination activities will include the participation of developer of some projects.

D 1.3. Dissemination materials and channels.

The web of the project will be the most important dissemination channel of the project. Also, the educational and training activities will be published and followed using a Moodle application. The dissemination of the demonstrators will be present including the sensors and indicators on-live.

TV and radio interviews and press publications will be linked in the webpage of the project as well as social media of the project.

Building construction of the demonstrators will recorded and broadcasting on-live in order to review the process by the technician of the project and to share this information for dissemination to technicians all over the world.

D 1.4. Socio-economic assessment.

This task is linked with other actions of the project such as:

- Introduction of Natural materials in construction suppliers.

- Publicity campaigns.

- Training activities for builders.

- Dissemination and demonstrations for building final users.

Those strategies will increase the use of those materials and support circular economy in the region. Moreover, the feasibility and performance of natural solutions for buildings will ensure the increment of regional economy.